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AI Catherine now widely available, But it is currently limited to products built by KineByte Technologies.
1 min read

AI has taken over the world by storm with nearly 80% of the tech industry leaning towards it's widespread use. This has prompted us to join the race and launch our new AI Bot called Catherine. AI Catherine has been in the beta stage for a while now but it's ready to roll out on a few platforms. It passed tests on our site and will be in circulation starting next week Monday 17 July 2023 despite being officially released on 11 July.

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What is Pyramid/Ponzi scheme ?,  How to Spot it and who is Zhao Jiaotang? and the E-Creator scam the fooled thousands.
10 min read

In the business the realm we say , “the bubble has burst” simply meaning the hype and the idea or potential business behind a certain concept has died. The E-creator frenzy has come to an abrupt close leaving thousands of our brothers and sisters in dismay with all their hard earned cash gone in a carefully orchestrated scam. It has come to our attention that most of the population need to be educated in order to be aware and know how to spot a Pyramid or a Ponzi scheme. Today we take a deeper look into who is Zhao Jiaotang?, What is a Pyramid scheme?, What is a Ponzi scheme?, How to Spot a Pyramid or a Ponzi Scheme?.

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