1 min read
12 Jul

AI has taken over the world by storm with nearly 80% of the tech industry leaning towards it's widespread use. This has prompted us to join the race and launch our new AI Bot called Catherine.

AI Catherine has been in the beta stage for a while now but it's ready to roll out on a few platforms. It passed tests on our site and will be in circulation starting next week Monday 17 July 2023 despite being officially released on 11 July.

AI Catherine will be limited only to specific products that is products exclusively made by Kine Byte Technologies. It will be available for free on websites and softwares we make. Those who have products we already made can simply request for integration. AI Catherine will help chat with clients on your behalf and guide clients through the website or software.

Users can enter their names at the first time of conversation to familiarise them with the AI Catherine so that it will deliver customized and specific content which satisifies your taste. Catherine is proficient in French, English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Afrikaans and Shona but Shona is still having issues in translating so it might not be as fluent or fully functional.

* Your email remains private, it will not be published on the website.