Vision without execution is just hallucination.

VFX, CGI, Videography and Graphic Design Specialists

Masvingo, Zimbabwe - 202423

Looking for 5 people Proficient in CGI, VFX, Videography and Graphic Design. Those interested send your CVs on the link below and when i say CVs i don’t really mean papers, that’s not what im looking for. Im looking for evidence of exceptional abilities so most importantly attach links of projects you have done before, we want people who can do it practically not just on paper

Evidence of Exceptional Abilities i.e projects you have done whether personal or company projects, any type of project you have ever done.
To be discussed 
To be discussed 
Graphic Designing
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Back-End Developer

Masvingo, Zimbabwe - 401201
The back end developer is one of the most important areas in software development. We are looking for 2 back end developers who are familiar with CSS, HTML, Php and Javascript. Knowing all these languages will be an added advantage. Above all we need the most innovative people on the team who are creative and open minded. Good luck.
As for requirements just drop your qualifications but anyone is welcome to drop their CVs even if they don't have an educational background , since most of the good programmers are self taught so passing the interview is going to get you in , feel free to apply and best of luck. Experience and some projects done before will be an added advantage.
There will be 30% bonuses awarded bases on efficiency and producticity.
Backend development of the Impulse online shopping hub, from coding the back end of the site to the database keeping the records of stocks and transactions.

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Front-End Developer

Masvingo, Zimbabwe - 401202
The front end developer is also an  important in software development since it's the face of the software.We are looking for 2 front end developers who are familiar with CSS, HTML, Php and Javascript. Knowing all these languages will be an added advantage. Above all we need the most innovative people on the team who are creative and open minded. Good luck.
As for requirements just drop your qualifications but anyone is welcome to drop their CVs even if they don't have an educational background , since most of the good programmers are self taught so passing the interview is going to get you in , feel free to apply and best of luck. Experience and some projects done before will be an added advantage.
30% bonuses will be added based on efficiency and productivity of the project
Front end developers will be responsible for the design and implementation of the interface of Impulse. The will handle all the GUI designing.
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