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What is Pyramid/Ponzi scheme ?,  How to Spot it and who is Zhao Jiaotang? and the E-Creator scam the fooled thousands.
10 min read

In the business the realm we say , “the bubble has burst” simply meaning the hype and the idea or potential business behind a certain concept has died. The E-creator frenzy has come to an abrupt close leaving thousands of our brothers and sisters in dismay with all their hard earned cash gone in a carefully orchestrated scam. It has come to our attention that most of the population need to be educated in order to be aware and know how to spot a Pyramid or a Ponzi scheme. Today we take a deeper look into who is Zhao Jiaotang?, What is a Pyramid scheme?, What is a Ponzi scheme?, How to Spot a Pyramid or a Ponzi Scheme?.

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